Why do I need this?
Social stories have a track record of success. This book is perfect for children who:
- Have difficulty with fire drills at school
- Have trouble dealing with transitions during fire drills
- Learning to follow along with their peers during assembly
- Learning appropriate behaviour in assembly
- Need help in social situations
Comprehension questions at the end of each story to ensure that "CHILDREN GET IT!"
What's in this social story book?
Two great stories:
1. Fire Drills
2. Assembly
Children respond excellently to these delightful illustrated social stories. Visually demonstrates appropriate behaviour in real life situations. Teaches children to effectively deal with social situations. Every page has a colour illustration. Comprehension questions at the end of each story.
Who benefits from this social story book?
These books are perfect if you are teaching a child with autism, pdd nos, speech and language delays or Aspergers.
Social stories set clear expectations of possible events and teach children correct and appropriate responses. |
"I keep the Fire Drills and Assembly book in my class library. The children constantly refer to it. This book has helped a lot."
Rose, CT
"The social stories are great preparation for every day social issues. I sincerely recommend them."
Erica, KY |
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