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How to Help Your Child Succeed In School:
Strategies and guidance for parents of children with ADHD and/or Learning Disabilities

by Sandra Rief

Item: 837654324165

Running Time: 55 min.

In this powerful new video, Sandra Rief presents the most essential information needed for every parent of children with ADHD and/or Learning Disabilities to help their child succeed in school. The focus is on the key for success — a strong partnership in education between home and school.

Topics include how parents can help their child:

  • develop reading, writing and math skills
  • build organisation and study skills
  • survive the daily homework assignments
  • cope with learning difficulties

Sandra, author of bestseller, How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children, award winning teacher (1995 California Resource Specialist of the Year), and consultant, will show you how to achieve these goals.

This valuable resource is also important for all educators, clinicians and practitioners working with ADD and LD to help these children overcome the obstacles which affect school achievement. Parents will be guided in how to strengthen their child's academic skills and provide positive support.

View real parents and their children (elementary through high school) demonstrating effective strategies within the home which are practical, easy to implement, and will help achieve school success.

Highly recommended to share after IEP meetings, Student Study Team meetings, and parent-teacher conferences.


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