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Social Behavior Mapping

by Michelle Garcia Winner

Item: 9780979528613

Format: DVD

Cognitive behavioural techniques are those which help a student to learn the thinking behind expected behaviours. Social Stories™ (developed by Carol Gray) is one type of cognitive behavioural technique for teaching students how to cope in a specific context or with specific people. “Social Behaviour Mapping” is another complimentary method, which helps students to understand how our behaviours (expected and unexpected) impact how people feel, which then impacts how they treat us, which then impacts how we feel about ourselves. For 3rd through 12th grade.

Social behaviour maps demonstrate to students how we all impact each other emotionally and behaviourally. This technique is not a panacea, but instead helps to demystify the complexity of social thought and related behaviours. It is being embraced in classrooms all over the United States.

On this short video clip, the evolution of social behaviour mapping is explained along with step-by-step instructions on how to use this valuable treatment strategy. This DVD corresponds with a book called Social Behavior Mapping, also by Michelle Garcia Winner.

Also included on this resource: a brief discussion of Michelle Garcia Winner’s other books and DVDs and their applicability for a variety of situations and audiences!

Approximate Running Time: 50 minutes


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