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Assessment Tools |
AEPS-3: Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children, 3Ed. Complete Kit by Diane Bricker, Carmen Dionne, Jennifer Grisham, JoAnn Johnson, Marisa Macy, Kristine Slentz, Misti Waddell Item: 9781681255187 Ages: birth to 6 years |
Streamlined and enhanced with user‐requested updates, the new AEPS‐3 gives your early childhood programme the most accurate, useful child data and a proven way to turn data into action across everything you do, from goal setting to teaching to progress monitoring. Use this highly effective and efficient linked system to assess, develop goals, implement instruction, and monitor progress of every child you work with, from the first months of life through kindergarten.
The AEPS‐3 Complete Kit includes:
There’s never been a more effective or efficient system for assessing, tracking, and nurturing the development of every child you work with, from the first months of life through kindergarten. |
To place an order, or to receive a quotation, please fill up an order form and email it to us at products@spedsg.com, or call (65) 6899 8377.