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Auditory Phoneme Sequencing Test

by Jim Aten & Deborah Ross-Swain

Item: 8931-5

Age Range: 5 - 9 years
Testing Time: 10 - 12 minutes
Administration: Individual

A ten-minute test of auditory discrimination and sequencing

The Auditory Phoneme Sequencing Test provides a quick assessment of a child’s ability to discriminate and retain sounds of language presented in single-syllable words. It can assist professionals in identifying children with weaknesses in discriminating phonemes and in auditory memory, skills necessary to understand and process language, develop and master written language skills, and store and retrieve information. The test was normed on a nationally representative sample of 750 students.

Administration and Scoring The APST uses a picture-response method that avoids the need for articulation. Twenty items are presented on a CD, divided among two- word stimuli, three-word stimuli, four-word stimuli, and five-word stimuli. The child is asked to point to the pictures in the order they were presented. All words are monosyllabic and are common for 5- through 9-year-olds.The test is untimed but takes 10–12 minutes. The overall raw score is converted to a standard score, percentile, and age equivalent.

Test Kit includes: Manual, Test Plates, 25 Record Forms, and Administration CD.

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