IED III Standardized
The IED III Standardized contains 55 norm-referenced assessments, which allow educators to compare a child’s performance to that of a nationally representative sample of children the same age. This streamlined assessment tool produces standardized scores, which can be used for benchmarking, standardized reporting, and providing documentation to support referrals.
Completely updated, the norm-referenced Inventory of Early Development III (IED III) Standardized includes new content and up-to-date research.
Major content updates include:
- New early literacy assessments, including phonological awareness
- New mathematics assessments, including sorting and word problems
- Expanded social and emotional development section
New standardization and validation studies reflect:
- Up-to-date normative data based on a nationally representative sample
- Strong test-retest and inter-rater reliability
- Significant content, construct, and criterion-related validity
The IED III Standardized provides a variety of normative scores (standard scores, percentiles, and age equivalents), which can be used for benchmarking, standardized reporting, and supporting identification of special needs. The IED III Standardized contains 55 norm-referenced assessments, which allow educators to compare a child’s performance to that of a nationally representative sample of children the same age.
The IED III Standardized includes scores in five domains, demonstrating broad content coverage and strong alignment to state early learning standards and Common Core State Standards:
- Physical Development: Gross and Fine Motor Skills
- Language Development: Receptive and Expressive Language Skills
- Academic Skills/Cognitive Development: Literacy and Mathematics Skills
- Adaptive Behaviour: Daily Living Skills
- Social and Emotional Development: Interpersonal and Self-regulatory Skills
The IED III Standardized Kit includes: IED III Standardized Inventory, 20 IED III Standardized Record Books, IED III Standardization and Validation Manual, IED III Accessories, Durable Canvas Tote Bag