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Jordan 3: Jordan Left Right Reversal Test 3 by Brian T. Jordan Item: 8564-5 Ages: 5 through 18 Test Kit Includes: Manual, 25 Record Forms, 25 Remedial Checklists, 25 Laterality Checklists. |
The Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test - 3rd Edition helps clinicians identify students who have difficulty with reversals, and what types of reversals are problematic: objects, letters, numbers, words, or letter sequences. Reversals are a major stumbling block for students learning to read. The Jordan-3 may be beneficial to add to a battery of tests when assessing AD/HD. |
The Jordan-3 now has two parts (children ages 5-8 take only Part 1) consisting of five subtests, in developmental sequence. The first and last subtests are new. Included in the Test Kit are a Laterality Checklist (an informal survey to determine preferential use of one side of the body) and a Remedial Checklist that provides suggested remediation activities.
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