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TEACCH Transition Assessment Profile — Second Edition

Item: 11980

Age Range: 3rd-12th Grade and adulthood
Administration: Individual
Timings: 1 ½ hours for direct observation • 3 ½ hours for 3 scales

Complete TTAP Kit includes: Examiner's Manual & 10 Profile/Scoring Forms

TEACCH Transition Assessment Profile (TTAP) — Second Edition is a newly titled and improved revision of the Adolescent and Adult Psychoeducational Profile (AAPEP). This comprehensive test was developed for adolescent and older children with autism spectrum disorders, particularly those with transitional needs. The TTAP is structured to satisfy those provisions in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997, which require adolescents to be evaluated and provided with a transition plan by age 14.

Educators, parents, counselors, and care providers can use this powerful tool to assist individuals with autism spectrum disorders to prepare for a successful, semi-independent adult life (i.e., personal development, recreational living, adult integration into employment and residential arrangements, etc.). The TTAP will also help providers identify the individual’s principle transition goals, strengths and weaknesses. Second, a “Cumulative Record of Skills” (CRS), along with two data collection forms, provides an efficient method of ongoing assessment in community-based instruction. The TTAP can be used to facilitate educational and transitional planning. Emphasis is on evaluating the six major functional skill areas

  1. Vocational Skills
  2. Vocational Behavior
  3. Independent Functioning
  4. Leisure Skills
  5. Functional Communication
  6. Interpersonal Behaviour, within three different contexts:
  • Direct Observation Scale — a direct assessment of skills that can be administered by a teacher, psychologist, job coach, or other trained professional in a quiet testing environment
  • Home Scale — assesses and evaluates performance in the residential setting via interviews with the primary care provider
  • School/Work Scale — assesses the academic/vocational setting via interviews with the individual’s teacher or work supervisor

This indispensable source also features:

  1. Assessment for transition
  2. Focus on the six major functional areas
  3. Assessment in three different environmental contexts
  4. A unique scoring system
  5. Environmental Accommodation
  6. Identification of preferences for individuals with limited communication Skills

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