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Assessment Tool

Wide Range Achievement Test, Fifth Edition

by Gary J. Robertson

Item: 9780749142353

Ages: 5 through 85

Test Kit Includes: examiner’s manual, norms book, reading and spelling card set, sentence comprehension card set, pack of 25 green sentence comprehension record forms, pack of 25 blue sentence comprehension record forms, pack of 25 green record form/response booklets, and pack of 25 blue record form/response booklets.

Measure foundational academic skills with the WRAT5

The WRAT5 provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and maths skills in people aged 5–85+ and helps identify possible learning disabilities.

WRAT5 Benefits

  • Test learners of all ages using the same assessment
  • Screen individuals or small groups (with some subtests) to help identify those requiring a more comprehensive academic achievement evaluation
  • Administer only the subtests that are needed


  • Efficient completion time—test can be completed in as little as 15 minutes for younger children and as little as 30 minutes for older children and adults
  • Simple administration rules and clear scoring guidelines, contributing to accurate and timely data
  • Grade-based start points, simple reversal rules, and clear discontinue rules

What’s new in WRAT5

The WRAT5 is upgraded with data reflecting current populations based on recent US census information. Updates include:

  • Improved identification of learning disabilities
  • Streamlining of rules
  • Digital administration, scoring, and reporting
  • Subtest improvements

Test Structure

The WRAT5 provides derived scores and interpretive information for four subtests:

  • Word Reading measures untimed letter identification and word recognition. The examinee reads aloud a list of letters/words
  • Sentence Comprehension measures the ability to identify the meaning of words and to comprehend the ideas and information in a sentence using an untimed modified cloze procedure. Each item requires the examinee to read (aloud or silently) a sentence with a word missing, and then say the word that best completes the sentence
  • Spelling measures an individual’s ability to write letters and words from dictation without a time limit
  • Maths Computation measures an individual’s ability to count, identify numbers, solve simple oral maths problems, and calculate written maths problems with a time limit. Problems are presented in a range of domains, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and advanced operations
  • Reading Composite score is created by combining the Word Reading and Sentence Comprehension standard scores

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