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Apps For Autism:
An Essential Guide to Over 200 Effective Apps for Improving Communication, Behavior, Social Skills, and More!

by Lois Jean Brady

Item: 9781941765005

Format: soft cover

Pages: 400

Autism? There’s an app for that!

Actually, there are more than 200 apps for autism, and this book will guide you through them so you can confidently utilise today’s technology to maximise your child or student’s success!

Speech Language Pathologist Lois Jean Brady wrote this book in order to educate parents, teachers, and other professionals about the breakthrough method she calls “iTherapy” — which is the use of Apple products (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and various apps (computer applications) in meeting students’ individual educational goals.

Lois believes that all persons on the spectrum can learn how to use technology in a way that is relevant to them. She shares important tips on how to use apps responsibly and effectively by maintaining a child-centered, team approach to teaching and learning, taking into account the individual’s interests, strengths/challenges, vision, motor planning, attention, sensory processing, memory, cognitive ability, environment, and access to tools. Lois also coaches adults on how they can use prompting and reinforcement techniques to help establish and generalise skills learned, until students are able to consistently demonstrate the skills in various environments (home, school, etc.).

For those who are new to the wonderful world of apps, worry not! Lois provides helpful sections on how to get started, including: Choosing an iDevice, Basic iDevice Operations, Opening an Account, How to Download an App from iTunes, and more!

You will be astonished and excited by the number of apps available, and the vast variety of issues they can address:

  • Voice Output
  • Sign Language
  • One-Touch Switch
  • Text-to-Speech
  • Articulation
  • Encouragement
  • Listening and Auditory Processing
  • Language Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Concept Development
  • Video Modeling
  • Social Skills Group Activities
  • Eye Contact and Body Language
  • Hygiene & Pre-Vocational
  • Graphic Organisers & Visual Supports
  • Visual Timers
  • Sound Masking
  • Handwriting
  • Bilateral Coordination
  • Motor Planning
  • Activities of Daily Living
  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Math
  • Preschool
  • Dysphagia
  • Aphasia, Apraxia & Dysarthria
  • Stuttering
  • Music, Songs & Creativity
  • Information about Autism
  • Eating Gluten Free
  • And more!

“Lois has taken an important leap in writing this book, providing a much-needed primer for considering the newest, mobile, educational technologies … For parents, teachers, and therapists, it is important to understand what the individual apps can and cannot do, and to be able to carefully consider features relevant to individual needs. From communication to literacy, recreation, and accessories, Apps for Autism provides a wealth of useful information to read and reference.”
- Samuel Sennott, a Ph.D. student in Special Education and Augmentative and Alternative Communication at the Pennsylvania State University, and co-creator of the app Proloquo2Go

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