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Breaking Autism’s Barriers:
A Father's Story

by Bill Davis as told to Wendy Goldband Schunick

Item: 9781853029790

Format: softcover
Pages: 399

‘I learned more about children with autism spectrum disorders in one day with Bill Davis and his family than in all the time I have spent on this issue before or since. Also, I discovered the remarkable dedication and tenacity of parents whose children are challenged by disabilities. This book will be an inspiration to every parent of a special child.’
- Congressman Jim Greenwood - Sponsor of the Advancement in Pediatric Autism Act and Autism Advocate

Bill Davis is the father of Chris, who has autism. Breaking Autism’s Barriers: A Father’s Story chronicles Bill’s fight to overcome the physical, emotional, public, educational, and therapeutic obstacles to his son’s disorder. Few books about autism have been written from a father’s perspective. None so effectively walks the reader through each moment of a family’s experience. It is an honest, direct account from a father’s point of view of bringing up a child with autism, and the pressures and pleasures this brings to him, his wife Jae and his daughter Jessica. Now a leading autism advocate, Bill Davis gives advice and support to families trapped in a frustrating, unyielding system. Every facet of daily life with autism - including potty-training, aggression, marriage, family support, and finances - is discussed, with humour and realism. Breaking Autism’s Barriers gives useful information to help parents jump the hurdles necessary to get a diagnosis, effective education, skilled therapists, and funding. Professionals will gain great insight on how to work better with families struggling with autism. And families will take comfort in knowing they are not alone, and be inspired by an ordinary man like Bill who is overcoming autism’s obstacles.


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