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Building Thinking Skills®
Level 3 Verbal

by Sandra Parks & Howard Black

Item: 9781601441591

Age Group: Grades 7-12+
Activities: 350

Format: softcover
Pages: 378
License: reproducible

Develops vocabulary, reading, mathematical reasoning, and analytical skills.

Description & Features

Building Thinking Skills® provides highly effective verbal and nonverbal reasoning activities to improve your children’s vocabulary, reading, writing, math, logic, and figural-spatial skills, as well as their visual and auditory processing. This exceptional series provides a solid foundation for academic excellence and success in any assessment.

The activities are developmentally sequenced. Each skill (for example, classifying) is presented first in the semi-concrete figural-spatial form and then in the abstract verbal form. Children learn to analyse relationships between objects, between words, and between objects and words as they:

  • Observe, recognise, and describe characteristics
  • Distinguish similarities and differences
  • Identify and complete sequences, classifications, and analogies

These processes help children develop superior thinking and communication skills that lead to deeper content learning in all subjects.

Teaching Support
Activities are modeled to reinforce skills and concepts. An answer guide is now included, however, a separate Instruction/Answer Guide is also available but is not required. The optional teaching guide includes objectives and focus questions that reinforce analytical skills.


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