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Creating a “Win-Win IEP” for Students with Autism:
A How-To Manual for Parents and Educators

By Beth Fouse

Item: 9781885477521

Format: softcover
Pages: 278

This book is a must-read for every parent or educator who participates in the IEP process. Dr. Fouse takes readers through the entire range of a “child-centered” educational process, from the initial stages of identification and diagnosis to full implementation and monitoring of the individualised education programme. She walks you through the process of setting goals and objectives, getting the most out of IEP meetings, determining proper placement, requesting assistive technology, and much more. She explains laws that you will need to know inside and out, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504, Americans with Disabilities Act, and FERPA. Finally, she lists some common mistakes that schools and parents often make, and gives great advice on how to avoid conflicts.

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