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Action plans for successful learning in mathematics

By Glynis Hannell

Item: 9780415660136

Format: softcover
Pages : 136

Based on expert observations of children who experience difficulties with maths, this book gives a comprehensive overview of dyscalculia, providing a wealth of information and useful guidance for any practitioner. With a wide range of appropriate and proven intervention strategies, it guides readers through the cognitive processes that underpin success in mathematics and gives fascinating insights into why individual students struggle with maths. Readers are taken step-by-step through each aspect of the maths curriculum and each section includes:

  • examples which illustrate why particular maths difficulties occur
  • practical ‘action plans’ which help teachers optimise children’s progress in mathematics

This fully revised second edition will bring the new research findings into the practical realm of the classroom. Reflecting current knowledge, Glynis Hannell gives increased emphasis to the importance of training ‘number sense’ before teaching formalities, the role of concentration difficulties and the importance of teaching children to use strategic thinking. Recognising that mathematical learning has a neurological basis will continue to underpin the text, as this has significant practical implications for the teacher.

“There is a set of parent’s information sheets that can be photocopied by a teacher so parents can help their own children. I would recommend this book to any classroom teacher or support assistant working with a pupil who has a mathematical difficulty. It is full of important information, examples of good practice, and great practical ideas for support.”
- Dyslexia Review

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