If you are interested in what alternative therapies have to offer people with dyslexia, ADHD or other learning difficulties, whether a parent, teacher or other professional, this book will offer accessible, helpful advice. I have been working in the education field for over 20 years, and in particular my work at the Swindon Dyslexia Centre has included dealing with thousands of people who were desperately seeking the ‘cure’ for dyslexia.
For many years dyslexia has been under the scrutiny of many different specialists including audiologists, optometrists, dieticians, linguists, psychologists and more recently complementary and alternative therapists. The result has been a wealth of information, but where do you start? In this book I have looked at over 50 complementary or alternative therapies that have at some time claimed to help, alleviate or even ‘cure’ dyslexia, ADHD and other specific learning difficulties (besides many other conditions). Entire books have been dedicated to individual therapies. I only intend to give you a ‘flavour’ of each here. Some of these therapies are very new while others, like Ayurveda, have been around for over 5000 years.
Whilst I have tried to put therapies in the relevant sections, it is sometimes difficult to determine where one method ends and another begins, but the structure used aims to be as helpful and clear as possible. There are now so many ‘therapies’ that claim to be cure-alls - from fish oils to massage. Within the field of dyslexia, there are a number of people who are suspicious about the merits of ‘alternative therapies’, just as there are in any other field, and my intention here is not to make the case for complementary medicine - just to offer information and reliable guidance, with evidence where it is available. One thing that is clear is that good old tried and tested teaching methods should not be replaced, and that alternative approaches should be treated as complementary.
This book is written in an easy-to-follow format, with useful addresses relating to each chapter listed at the back of the book to point you in the right direction to get appropriate help. After reading this book you will be in a better position to judge for yourself the merits of acupuncture, coloured glasses, exercises and audio therapies, to name but a few. You may find some of the methods appear a little unorthodox but it will pay dividends to keep an open mind.