The guidebooks in the Helping Children with Feelings series:
- Include what children themselves have said about what it is like for them; how they have coped with the feeling in ways which cause harm to self or others, and the consequences of that, and how they could have coped well.
- Provide exercises, tasks and ideas for things to say and do to help children. The exercises and ideas are specifically designed to help a child think about, express and process the feeling to the point of resolution. Many of the exercises offered will support children in finding creative, imaginative and playful ways to communicate their feelings.
- Enable child professionals to recognise the unresolved feelings behind the behaviour and to respond correctly to help the child work though that feeling to the point of resolution.
This guidebook will help children who:
- worry a lot or exhibit signs of ongoing anxiety
- experience the world as an unsafe place
- suffer from phobias, obsessions or nightmares
- are scared to tell someone that they are scared
- know a terrible loneliness
- feel insignificant in a world of adult giants
- feel defeated by life or need help in being assertive
- feel so impotent that their only way to feel any potency is to be mute
Teenie Weenie in a Too Big World Item: 9780863884641
This companion book to Helping Children with Fear tells a story for fearful children.
One day Teenie Weenie finds himself in a scrumbly screechy place. It is full of noises and crashes and things that swoop and scratch. The worse it gets, the smaller Teenie Weenie feels. After a while, he feels so small that the tiniest insect tries to eat him up. Teenie Weenie feels terrified and desperately alone.
But after a while along strolls a Wip-Wop bird who invites Teenie Weenie to come and have a chocolate muffin in his tree house. With the Wip Wop bird and his friend Hoggie, Teenie Weenie learns for the first time in his life all about the power of TOGETHER. He comes to know how very different things look when it’s an US not just a ME. And so after that, whenever Teenie Weenie finds himself struggling alone with something too difficult or too frightening, he goes off and finds some TOGETHER.