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Prepares your child for testing! Develops reading comprehension, logic, and problem solving. Description & Features Mind Benders®, our best-selling deductive thinking puzzles, develop the logic, reading comprehension, and mental organisation skills vital to achieving high grades and top test scores in all subjects. They’re also great for developing real-life, problem solving skills. Your child will carefully analyse each Mind Benders® story and its clues, identifying logical associations between people, places, and things. The key is to start with the most obvious associations, then deduce less obvious associations until everything finally fits together. Teaching Support |
“The best logic puzzles we’ve found are in the Mind Benders® books.” Recommended! - The Well-Trained Mind “Put young detectives on the path to better problem-solving skills. These books, new additions to the deductive reasoning series, help develop the logic, comprehension, visual tracking, and mental organisation skills vital to student success.” - Learning™ Magazine, Resources for Successful Teaching “Mind Benders® sharpen organisational and informational processing skills as well as strengthen reading skills.” |
You can e-mail your order to products@spedsg.com, |