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Navigating the Social World:
A Curriculum for Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism & Related Disorders

by Jeanette McAfee

Item: 9781885477828

Format: Concealed Wiro Coil
Pages: 387

Pediatrician Jeanie McAfee originally created this user-friendly social curriculum for her daughter Rachel, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s at age ten. Since then, it has become a staple for parents and educators. It addresses the most urgent problems facing those with Asperger’s Syndrome, high-functioning autism, and related disorders. Dr. McAfee covers how to increase communication skills, recognise and cope with emotions, recognise and prevent stress, develop abstract thinking skills, address behavioural problems, and much more. Tasks are broken down into small steps, repeated until they are mastered, then generalised. Helpful handouts, templates, and forms will help keep teachers and learners on track.

A superb resource for parents and professionals. … it provides clear and thorough cognitive behavioural programmes for working with children to develop life skills. …”
- Marjorie Solomon-Friedman, Ph.D. Post Graduate Researcher/M.I.N.D. Scholar

“What a wonderful book! What makes it unique is that the mother and physician are one and the same person!! Dr. McAfee turned her love and concern for her own child into this masterfully practical and accessible book that will provide valuable assistance to children, parents, teachers, and professionals around the world.”
- Edward Hallowell, M.D. Senior Lecturer, Harvard Medical School And author of Connect and Driven to Distraction

“After reading this book you can immediately start a programme at home or school.”
- Dr. Tony Attwood

“A source for understanding the cognitive origins of inappropriate behaviours seen in this population. Dr. McAfee has done an outstanding job creating a practical guide to emotional and social dilemmas. … An excellent curriculum for applying strategic strategies to help (them) cope with a variety of social challenges.”
- Linda Lotspiech, M.D., M.Ed., Director Neuropsychiatry/PDD Clinic, Stanford University

“… Incredibly thorough and well-organised resource that brings together a wealth of information for families and educators … straight-forward, consistent interventions on a wide range of behaviours and skills.”
- Robin L. Hansen, M.D., Chief, Developmental Behavioural Pediatrics M.I.N.D. Institute/University of California, Davis

“As a behaviourist, rarely can I find a programme written for real people that provides applicability in a common sense way. Ideal for professionals, paraprofessionals and caregivers, this book offers a guide to assisting individuals in realising their potential as social persons within a social world.”
- Rodger Stein, Behaviourist

“From an SLP standpoint, I thought [the] information was excellent. … A fabulous addition for professionals and parents. … This book provides step-by-step, understandable programme in a format that can be easily adapted to any type of educational or therapeutic programme. It will be a best-seller!!”
- Jane Germ, Speech and Language Pathologist

“An in-depth account of techniques adapted, developed, and fine-tuned by Dr. McAfee to provide her daughter with the skills to comprehend the elusive social world. Many students, teachers and parents have approached me in search of practical advice on how to deal with the manifestations of this stunning syndrome. I had found myself almost empty-handed when asked for specific training strategies, long-term goals and an overall plan of action. Now, this book will help bridge that gap between theory and practice.”
- Adriana L. Schuler, Professor of Special Education San Francisco State University

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