Have these questions ever crossed your mind?
- How can I help children overcome learning difficulties in mathematics?
- What are some mathematical misconceptions that children may have?
- What strategies can I employ to help children grasp mathematical concepts better?
Whether you are a teacher, concerned parent or tutor trying to teach primary mathematics, this book has the answers for you!
Overcoming Learning Difficulties in Primary Mathematics shares the many areas of concerns that you may encounter should your children have learning difficulties in learning mathematics. By understanding the common problems children face, it will be easier to help them tackle their misconceptions. This book also demonstrates instructional strategies that can be employed to help teach mathematics effectively to children.
- Follows the latest Standard Content of the Singapore Curriculum closely
- Discussion and Recommendations at the end of each section which aid the parent or teacher to better manage the learning difficulties of the child
- Concise and proficient written text with relevant supporting illustrations