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Self-Regulation for Kids K-12:
Strategies for Calming Minds and Behavior

by Patricia K. Tollison, Katherine O. Synatschk & Gaea Logan

Item: 9781416404835

Format: softcover

Pages: 288

This text engages the reader in a full explanation of self-regulation and provides a step-by-step, practical guide to developing a programme for helping children and adolescents. This text is a valuable resource for counsellors, teachers, and behaviour specialists. Chapters 1-3 provide research-based information regarding the connections between emotional intelligence, somatic experience, emotional regulation, and relationships and the ability to self-regulate. Chapter 4 is a how-to for using somatic interventions. Chapter 5 links the concepts of solution-focused therapeutic approaches to the somatic concepts. Chapter 6 integrates the theory and literature into a model for use in the schools and mental health settings to help children and adolescents regulate their emotions and behaviours. Vignettes and case examples are included.

Other Features Include:

  • Appendix A: Tools – an array of reproducible resources, organised into tools for Assessment, Individual Counselling, Group Counselling, and Crisis Response

  • Appendix B: Activities – 57 lesson/ activity plans for use in individual and group settings to teach skills for the Caregiver and for the Student in self-regulation (Grounding, Mindful Awareness, and Tracking Sensations) and the CASEL skills areas (Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision Making, and Relationship Skills)

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