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Social Stories for Kids in Conflict

by John Ling

Item: 9781911186021

Format: spiral bound

Pages: 154

Social Stories for Kids in Conflict is a practical guide to help young people improve their behaviour. Designed to help all those who work and/or live with young people who have difficulties with their behaviours and relationships with others, this book is a practical guide to help young people become more aware of their behaviour and its effect on other people.

Focusing on mediation (including communication, the unblocking of channels, the breaking down of barriers, the righting of wrongs, making amends, and restorative justice), the book includes:

  • dialogues used by a neutral person to highlight difficulties and possible changes in behaviour
  • cartoons and other visual techniques that can be used to present alternative ways to discuss problems
  • examples of social stories covering personal stuff, daily routines, home life, social skills, homework, work and playtime, PE and games, as well as a guide to writing your own social stories
  • Powerpoint presentation for staff, parents and carers.

Developed from work with children and young people with Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and related conditions, as well as troubled young people with no named condition, the ideas and techniques can be used and modified to help all young people to become more aware of their behaviour and its effect on other people. This 2nd edition has been revised and updated and now includes an expanded section of social stories.

“This is a fantastic, hands on guide for all people living or working with young people who are in conflict, and particularly relevant to young people who are on the autistic spectrum. The introductions are clear and provide valuable context. The examples, which are simply but well illustrated, provide extremely helpful guides to tackling some of the difficult issues that all kids in conflict face. I can see my staff using this to further support out students, whether they are in conflict or not. This will definitely be a must have book for my school.”
- Geoff Brookes, Headmaster, Breckenbrough School

“A must have for enabling all young children to access storytelling. This is such an inclusive approach it is adaptable for all abilities.”
- Stephen Parsons (Speech Language Therapy Team Manager at City and Hackney Teaching PCT and author) and Anna Branagan (Clinical Lead Specialist Speech and Language Therapist at City and Hackney Teaching PCT and author)

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