If you are, or you know someone who is, struggling with essays, revision and exams, then this little book was written just for you! Speedy Study Skills is clear, user friendly, and gives just the sort of practical help on study skills that is needed for dyslexic students (and any other student!) facing the pressures of exam revision, as well as all the other requirements of educational success from 15-16 yrs on through college and university.
Speedy Study Skills covers study skills approaches for all learning styles, including essential topics such as mind-mapping, proof-reading, relaxation techniques, timetabling your study programme etc.
Do you know whether you are a visual or an auditory learner? Go through the learning style checklist at the back of the book, and discover some important information about what approach is best for you. There is even a centre spread revision timetable for you to photocopy – it’s amazing how many dyslexic students try and scramble through without one! There’s also a section on EXAMINATION PROCEDURES which we think you will find very useful.
Speedy Study Skills is recommended by educational psychologists for dyslexic students. |