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STOP THINK DO Social Skills Training

by Lindy Petersen with Allyson Adderly

Format: Spiral bound

STOP THINK DO is a bestselling social skills programme. The programme consists of 20 lessons at four different levels: 4–6 years, 6–8 years, 8–10 years and 10–12 years of age. Each lesson includes learning outcomes, required resources, structured teaching of the core concept or skill, age appropriate activities to practice the skills, and worksheets to reinforce each learning outcome.

aims to:

  • Prevent adverse consequences resulting from poor social skills and peer friendships
  • Improve the social skills and peer friendships of children who already have problems
  • Develop cooperative classrooms and schools
  • Develop emotional intelligence, self-esteem and confidence through increased awareness, skills training and goal achievement
  • Empower students by teaching self-control, decision making and positive actions
  • Develop group skills including active participation, cooperation, organisation and leadership
  • Improve relationships through the use of a common language, problem-solving process, shared goals and regular feedback

Three colourful posters that trace the Stop Think Do problem solving sequence using a traffic light motif are also available. A smaller combined poster is also available separately.

STOP THINK DO Social Skills Training:
Early years of schooling ages 4-8

Item: 9780864315366

Features include:

  • Why train social skills and emotional intelligence in children?
  • How to apply the program in classrooms, with special needs children, as a whole school, and with parental involvement
  • Social skills lessons for children aged 4-6
  • Social skills lessons for children aged 6-8
  • 3 colourful traffic light training posters
  • Pre- and post-programme assessments

STOP THINK DO Social Skills Training:
Primary years of schooling ages 8-12

Item: 9780864315441

Features include:

  • Why train social skills and emotional intelligence in children?
  • How to apply the programme in classrooms with special needs children, for peer mediators, as a whole school, and with parental involvement
  • Social skills lessons for children aged 8-10
  • Social skills lessons for children aged 10-12
  • 3 colourful traffic light training posters
  • Pre and post programme assessments

STOP THINK DO Social Skills Training:
Supplement for middle years of schooling ages 12-15

Item: 9780646441481

This manual extends the Stop Think Do program to target adolescents in their middle years of schooling, transitioning from primary to secondary school. It is a supplement to the more comprehensive primary school manuals.

The programme includes 12 lessons covering a wide range of social skills.

Lessons are divided into the following 6 units:

  • Self awareness and identity
  • Good and bad communication
  • Thinking and problem solving
  • Morals and values
  • Decision making and friendship skills
  • Pressures and responsibilities

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