Special People Extraordinary Dedication |
Book |
Item: 9780975986813 |
THE HERO BOOK: Learning Lessons from the People You Admire is a refreshing, engaging and empowering book that helps children identify the qualities and characteristics they admire in others while also encouraging them to emulate these traits in their own lives. The 64-page, spiral-bound, hardcover book offers inspiring narrative, fun activities, and great conversation-starters that will take children on a journey to find their role models and discover the hero inside themselves.
Our culture’s obsession with celebrity and wealth can create an environment where children are choosing their heroes or role models based on status or power. The Hero Book not only lets children discover why they admire certain people, but also encourages them to identify new heroes based on the characteristics they think are important and find inspiring. The book teaches children that they have the power to take certain qualities of their role models and emulate these traits in their daily lives – whether it’s someone they know or someone they have read about or seen on television. As the parents and friends of children, it is critical that we help our children find positive heroes who will empower them to be their best. It is also important that we allow children to celebrate their own positive qualities so they can grow-up with character and confidence. |
Sample Pages | |
Testimonials “I’ve committed much time and energy into building organisations that serve to educate, empower, and uplift the spirits of children and their familles. And, along the way I have met my fair share of heroes among them. To the parents, caregivers and teachers out there – The Hero Book is for the children you love. It entertains, inspires and fosters a sense of wellness and goodness. The Hero Book engages children in thinking about traits worthy of admiration and allows them to see the heroic qualities in themselves and those around them.” – Peter Samuelson, Founder of Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation and co-founder, and President of First Star Foundation “Great, fun book! I admire the presidents, but I also admire my teacher, my mom, and my big brother the most. I learned a lot and had fun.” – Beth, age 10 “Boys & Girls Clubs are Positive Places in which children learn, grow and have fun. The Hero Book offers a similar experience. It invites children to explore, think and talk about admirable traits and qualities in others. As they enjoy drawing and writing in this interactive activity book, children are growing and learning. Children should have more books like The Hero Book on their shelves!” – Judith J. Pickens, Senior Vice President, Program Services, Boys & Girls Clubs of America “In today’s celebrity-obsessed world, where it is has become all too commonplace to confuse fame with character or meaningful accomplishment, this book fills a very necessary space. … The Hero Book presents solid, lasting lessons in an engaging, interactive format which is neither preachy nor simplistic, but instead treats young people with respect – as thoughtful, engaged participants, and in so doing provides them with examples of real leadership and real character on which they can base their own value systems. Anyone who is looking to inspire the young people in their lives to aspire to both greatness and quiet integrity should consider adding The Hero Book to their library.” – Reader Review |
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