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The Ultimate Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder:
Easy, Everyday Solutions to Sensory Challenges

by Roya Ostovar

Item: 9781935274070

Format: softcover

Pages: 340

When sensory processing is impaired, lights can be too bright, sounds too loud, and clothes can actually be painful on the skin. It can be practically impossible for children to tolerate their day, let alone learn in a classroom. In this book, with a forward by best-selling special-needs author Carol Kranowitz, neuropsychologist Dr. Roya Ostovar helps parents to help their children. She provides clear explanations, up-to-date research, step-by-step strategies, and case examples that bring her proven methods to life.


“This wonderful guide explains Sensory Processing Disorder in language that is accessible to anyone invested in the subject. This is a treasure trove of ideas and resources that I am very excited to be able to introduce to the families I work with.”
- Diane v. Murrell, LMSW, Clinic Social Worker and Author of Tobin Learns to Make Friends (from the back cover of The Ultimate Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder)

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