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Think It - Say It:
Improving Reasoning And Organization Skills

by Luanne Martin

Item: 9864

Ages: 4 - 10 years

Format: spiral bound
Pages: 188

Help your students who have executive function and communication disorders develop essential verbal reasoning and organisational skills. Because the materials in this manual do not rely upon reading, these activities can be used with your entire caseload, regardless of their reading ability.

Each of the 75 clearly drawn, humourous pictures is accompanied by a series of guided questions designed to help develop vital skills in four basic areas:

  • Inferential Reasoning
  • Problem Solving
  • Determining Causality
  • Generalising
Information is presented in a story-like format, which is similar to the way students encounter information in conversations and in narratives. Questioning techniques are used to guide childrens’ approach to the pictured situations and to teach organisational strategies.

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