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Writing & Developing Social Stories:
Practical Interventions in Autism

by Caoline Smith

Item: 9781909301863

Format: spiral bound
Pages: 122

This practical resource provides an introduction to the theory and practice of writing social stories. In addition, there are examples of successful stories to use as guides, as well as information and photocopiable (and downloadable) resources for delivering training on the use of social stories.

Based on detailed work carried out in homes, schools and pre-schools, this book offers practical support to anyone meeting the needs of a child or young adult with an autistic spectrum disorder, and with staff supporting adults with autism. Social stories are short stories intended for children and adults with autism to help them understand their social world and behave appropriately within it.

The stories:

  • provide clear, concise and accurate information about what is happening in a specific situation, outlining both why it is happening and what a typical response might be
  • are written by those directly supporting children or adults with autism and only successful stories are included in the book
  • are infinitely flexible and adaptable to an individual child in an individual social situation.

This 2nd edition has been thoroughly revised and updated throughout. It also now contains:

  • brand new stories including examples for use by parents at home
  • brand new section on mental health
  • additional stories for use with adults with autism.
“Today, social stories are considered a practical and often essential intervention for autism. This book could be of great use to schools and families as it comes with an activation code to access online resources, plus a section on delivering training about social stories. In the new second edition by author Dr. Caroline Smith, there are fresh stories to help young children and adults on the autism spectrum to understand their social world and behave appropriately within it. The stories, which can be used by parents at home, have been written by people who have supported children or adults with autism and only tried-and-tested successful stories are included. The stories are based on detail work carried out in homes, schools and pre-schools. It’s presented in a spiral-bound format to withstand everyday use.”
- Autism eye magazine

“We were most impressed by the manuscript and feel it will provide an excellent resource. The academic background is sound, and the general presentation is very user friendly.”
- Maureen Aarons, Tessa Gittens, Specialist SLTs

“Her contribution is in the production of a clear, user-friendly book which also acts as a resource manual. It is a must for those Postage services involved in Early Bird Programmes in particular and is very much recommended for anyone who is actively involved with ASD children and in training others working with them.”
- Joy Horne, Portage Post

“The stories are an effective way of improving the social behaviour and social understanding of individuals with autism. The book is a useful resource and I would recommend it in particular to clinicians who are unfamiliar with the concept of social stories…clear, concise information about social stories that clinicians could use when training teaching staff, parents and carers.”
- Sharon Lee, Senior Speech Language Therapist, Dunshaughlin Health Care Unit, Update I.A.S.L.T

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