SnapWords™ Cards are essentials for teaching sight word recognition to a wide variety of learners, including right brained and visual learners, and those labeled with ADD/ ADHD, autism, or dyslexia.
The images embedded into each word ensure that children gain a rich sight word vocabulary as easily as a camera snapping a picture and storing it in memory. But that’s not all. Beyond just recognising the words, the tools on the reverse of the card enable children to really understand what the words mean and how to use them in sentences. The reverse of each card displays the plain word without a visual and describes a body motion for the word – a necessary tool for many kinesthetic learners and children with dyslexia. In addition, a sentence using the word and coordinating with the visual on the front of the card focuses children’s attention on the meaning of the word and how it is used in everyday communication. These images have proven to be the turning point for many who had not made progress through any other means.
Use the Pocket Chart Cards in pocket charts for sentence-building, sentence or phrase unscramble, or review (students turn the cards to the reverse side as they learn the words through the visuals on the front of each card). The Pocket Chart Cards are also effective for use in centres, for partner review, in sentence building activities or for independent practice. The number of ways to use these smaller SnapWords™ cards is only limited by your imagination and your students’ needs. For children who need to understand the function of words before they can focus on learning phonics rules, these cards provide the answer.
The set of 306 Pocket Chart Cards contains over 300 words, including all the Dolch words and the Fountas & Pinnell 100 most frequently recurring words. Set includes Lists A-E and Numbers & Colors Pocket Chart Cards.
Also available separately:
- SnapWords List A Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords List B Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords List C Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords List D Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords List E Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords Numbers & Colors Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords List F Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords List G Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords Nouns List 1 Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords Nouns List 2 Pocket Chart Cards
- SnapWords Verbs Pocket Chart Cards
See more info about card size and which sight words are included in each list.
What Makes them Effective?