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A Therapeutic Treasure Deck of Grounding, Soothing, Coping and Regulating Cards

by Karen Treisman


Format: cards

70 cards, instruction booklet

This pack of 70 cards and explanatory guide offers a playful, non-threatening way to explore feelings, and to form effective coping, regulating, soothing, and grounding strategies through a range of games and activities. Designed to work with both the brain and body, the cards address a wide range of common issues including anxiety, stress, low mood, sleep difficulties and emotional dysregulation. To do so, they employ a range of proven strategies including cognitive techniques, nurturing activities, sensory strategies, body-based activity and creative exercises.

Developed by specialist clinical psychologist, trainer and author Dr. Karen Treisman, this deck is a little treasure for professionals, parents, carers supporting children and adolescents aged 6+.

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