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What’s Wrong


Format: cards
Pages: 48

48 cards, A5 size, instruction booklet, boxed

Also available: More What’s Wrong

This revised edition of our ColorCards bestseller features a new up-to-date set of photographs. Each image shows something wrong, either as it is happening or a problem about to happen. These lively and humourous images are highly motivating to students of all ages and abilities, and will help with attention and observational skills, vocabulary building, expressive language, storytelling, logical thought and problem solving. Images include adults and children in a variety of situations, such as an upside down television, making sandwiches with photographs and playing golf with an umbrella.

1 The woman is cutting bread with a saw
2 The boy is getting his books wet in the paddling pool
3 The boy is putting a small lid on a large saucepan
4 The young man is about to trip over the toy
5 The girl is holding her pen the wrong way round
6 The woman is leaving a trail of clothes on the floor
7 The television is upside down
8 The woman is putting a cookie into her CD drive
9 The man is painting the glass in the window
10 The juice is leaking from the jug and making a mess
11 The woman is making sandwiches with salad and photographs
12 The boy is squeezing toothpaste from the bottom of the tube
13 The little boy is about to walk into the tray of hot coffee
14 The woman is putting a pear into the lamp
15 The fireman is wearing a shower cap
16 The boy is holding the book upside down
17 The woman is repairing the iron with a toy hammer
18 The little boy is putting on a very big sock
19 The boy is about to sit on a cream cake
20 The man is ironing a hat
21 The woman is eating soup with a teaspoon
22 The teacher is wearing pyjamas
23 The girl is rinsing her paintbrush in her juice
24 The boy is holding the camera the wrong way round
25 The woman is stirring the cake mix in a colander
26 The two girls are about to walk into each other
27 The toaster is not plugged in
28 The woman is putting lipstick on her nose
29 The boy is stepping into a sports shirt
30 The girl is using crayons to curl the woman’s hair
31 The boy is putting ice creams into the microwave oven
32 The woman is practising golf with an umbrella
33 The woman is setting the table with tools
34 The dog is in the pushchair and the little boy is walking
35 The woman is going to cut the scarf
36 The boy is about to knock the vase off the table
37 The girl is putting magazines on the clothes airer
38 The man is hanging a curtain that is too short
39 The boy is cleaning shoes with a hairbrush
40 The girl is mopping the floor with a garden rake
41 The man is putting on a very small jacket
42 The woman is drying her hair with a telephone
43 The girl is about to trip over the rope
44 The man has made dirty footprints on the carpet
45 The boy is washing up in a bowl of custard
46 The boy is stirring his coffee with scissors
47 The girl is going to eat a flower
48 The young man is wearing oven gloves to play cards


Also available:


More What’s Wrong

Item: 9781909301283

Format: cards
Pages: 36

This set of 36 cards depicting a range of activities and situations incorrect, unusual or unexpected elements to identify and discuss. The open-ended nature of the problems posed enables differing levels of application, from single identification of the out of place or incorrect feature, to understanding and explaining the remedies, and potential consequences of the activities as they are shown. The types of situations depicted include: Mistakes with clothes; Wrong object; Wrong method; and Impossible and unlikely events. With scenes such as cutting grass with scissors or washing up whilst sat in the sink there are opportunities to have fun whilst developing the following lifeskills: Observation; Deduction; Insight; Problem solving; Anticipation; Story telling; Discussion; and Developing ideas. These versatile cards can be used with individuals, groups or in the classroom and the accompanying manual includes possible discussion start points and suggested ways to structure a session.


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