Special People Extraordinary Dedication
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Fill In The Blank

84 Laminated Photo Cards 2.5" x 3.5"

Item: F200
Price: S$36.50



Why do I need these?
Does your child have trouble with early conversation? Then don’t leave out this essential step! This skill is a definite prerequisite to having a conversation. When learning to converse, step one is the ability to finish a sentence. Step two is reversing it which teaches comprehension. When these are in place, you have your foundation! It’s that simple! 84 high quality laminated photo cards with writing on the back make this concept easy to learn.

What's in this pack?
Super quality, laminated photo cards for teaching early conversation skills. The back of the card describes the items clearly and simply. Some examples included in this pack are shoelaces, bakery, washing hands, puppy, vegetables and blowing bubbles.

Who benefits from this pack?
These cards are perfect if you are teaching a child with autism, pdd nos, speech and language delays or Aspergers.
Suggested methods of use are included in the product.

"I had purchased materials last year and felt that they were the most realistic pictures that I have ever had the pleasure to use. Yesterday, I received another group of materials that I ordered. Once again, I am very excited to work with this material as well. All of your materials are the BEST!"
Elaine, NJ

"I never thought my son would find it difficult to reverse a sentence. I was surprised it was hard for him. The Fill-ins and Reversals gave him a better understanding of language."
Judy, MD

"The fill-ins and reversals increased my daughter's comprehension dramatically. Thank you!"
Sally, RI

You can e-mail your order to products@spedsg.com,
fill up an order form and fax to (65) 6899 8477,
or call (65) 6899 8377.