Dandelion Launchers Units 1- 3 & 4-7
Books for beginner readers aged 3-8 (Foundation and KS1)
28 different books, 4 at each level (unit), introducing sounds of the alphabet
Phase 2 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Optional complementary workbook available |
Dandelion Launchers Units 8-10
Books for beginner readers aged 3-8 (Foundation and KS1)
12 different books, 4 at each level (unit), introducing sounds of the alphabet
Phases 2 and 4 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Optional complementary workbook available |
Dandelion Launchers Units 11-15
Books for beginner readers aged 3-8 (Foundation and KS1)
20 different books, 4 at each level (unit), introducing consonants digraphs
Phases 3 & 4 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Optional complementary workbook available |
Dandelion Readers Units 1 to 10: Sounds of the alphabet and adjacent consonants
Books for beginner and ‘catch-up’ readers aged 5-8 (KS1)
3 parallel sets, each with 10 books which introduce sounds of the alphabet and adjacent consonants
Phases 2, 3 and 4 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Optional complementary workbooks available |
Dandelion Readers Units 11 to 20: Consonant digraphs
Books for beginner and ‘catchup’ readers aged 5-8 (KS1)
2 parallel sets, each with 10 different books which introduce consonant digraphs : ch, sh, th, ck, ng, qu, ve
Phases 3 and 4 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Optional complementary workbooks available |
Dandelion Readers Levels 1,2 & 3: Vowel digraphs
Books for beginner and ‘catch-up’ readers aged 5-8 (KS1)
3 parallel sets, each with 10 different books which introduce different spellings for 10 vowel sounds
Phases 3, 4 and 5 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Optional complementary workbooks available |
Split Vowel Spellings Set: Tricky split vowel spellings
Books for readers aged 5-8 (KS1)
Set of 6 different books ‘Late’ which teach the tricky split vowel spellings
Phase 5 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Optional complementary workbook available |
Moon Dogs Series
A series for ‘catch-up’ pupils.
Interest age 8-14 (reading age KS1)
The Moon Dogs Series is designed to appeal to older ‘catch-up’ pupils at the very early stages of reading. The series offers three sets of books:
Set 1, comprising 8 books, introduces sounds gradually at CVC level with one line of text on each page.
Set 2, comprising 8 books, introduces adjacent consonants and consonant digraphs.
Set 3, comprising 14 books, introduces two spellings for vowel sounds.
The series is designed around a group of teenage friends who are in a band and offers short, humourous stories about their lives. Reading skills are developed through step-by-step progression which allows practice and consolidation at each level.
The series and accompanying workbooks complement any synthetic phonics teaching programme.
Moon Dogs Series Workbooks
The Moon Dogs Series Workbooks 1, 2 and 3 (available separately) complement the stories in the series and follow the same phonic progression. They offer activities for wordbuilding, reading, spelling and comprehension work based on the characters and events in the stories. Each book contains photocopiable games and reading cards to further support multisensory learning (100 pages per book). |
Magic Belt Series
A prequel to the Totem Series
An exciting phonics reading quest for ‘catch-up’ pupils.
Interest age 8-14 (reading age KS1)
Phases 2, 3 and 4 of
‘Letters and Sounds’
The Magic Belt Series includes 12 quest stories for the older, ‘catch-up’ pupils who would benefit from starting a phonics programme from the beginning. Action-packed with fantastic illustrations and age-appropriate stories, the series starts at CVC/CVCC level text. It then builds up reading skills in step-by-step phonic progression, allowing practice and consolidation at each level. Designed to appeal to and engage older pupils, this is a great reading resource for older, beginner readers.
Introductory Workbook for the Magic Belt Series
This is a spiral-bound, photocopiable workbook that prepares the older, ‘catch-up’ pupil for reading the Magic Belt Series. Aimed at children with weak sound/letter knowledge, it introduces the sounds and letters of the alphabet in a step-by-step progression. A variety of activities offer the basic building blocks of learning to read (50 pages).
Magic Belt Series Workbook
This spiral-bound, photocopiable workbook includes 12 chapters which coffespond to the 12 books in the reading series. Following the same phonic progression, it offers numerous activities including wordbuilding, blending, segmenting, comprehension and vocabulary work based on the characters and the adventures in the reading books (190 pages).
That Dog Series
Includes 12 decodable books for ‘catch-up’ pupils who are reading at CVC level.
Ben has always wanted a dog. One day a scruffy stray follows him home. Will he get to keep him?
These exciting, age appropriate tales take the pupils from CVC and CVCC word level text through to adjacent consonants, consonant digraphs and suffixes. This series shares the same phonic progression as the Magic Belt Series and can be used in parallel.
That Dog Series Workbook available separately.
Alba Series
A series for older readers starting at CVC level.
Interest age 8-14 (reading age KS1)
Phases 2, 3, 4 and 5 of
‘Letters and Sounds’
The 12 books in this brand new ‘catch-up’ series offer step-by-sttep phonic progression within exciting, beautifully illustrated, age-appropriate stories. This series covers the essential phonic foundations a ‘catch-up’ pupil will need, starting at CVC/CVCC level. It will appeal to both boys and girls. The Alba Series follows the same phonic progression as the Totem Series.
The 2 series can be used in parallel.
Alba Series Workbook available separately.
Totem Series
Following on from the Magic Belt Series
A series for older readers starting at CVC level.
Interest age 8-14 (reading age KS1/KS3)
Phases 2, 3, 4 and 5 of
‘Letters and Sounds’
The Totem Series is an exciting, fresh start for older pupils that build up their reading skills from CVC/CVCC word level. This highly-structured, cumulative series includes 12 books which cover the essential phonic foundations that a ‘catch-up’ reader will need. The Totem Series precedes and leads into the Talisman Series. Designed to appeal to older, relectant readers with exciting and motivating stories and illustrations.
Totem Series Workbook
A comprehensive, spiral-bound, photocopiable workbook offers segmenting, blending, phoneme manipulation and comprehension activities linked to the stories in the books. an invaluable resource for teachers and teacher assistants (224 pages). |
Rescue Series
Ten books introducing alternative vowel spellings.
Heroine Erin and her best friend Danny embark on an epic adventure to save baby brother Jack. Starting with the sound ‘ae’, each of the 10 books introduces a phoneme and its alternative spellings. This series shares the same phonic progression as the Talisman 1 Series and can be used in parallel.
Rescue Series Workbook available separately. |
Island Adventure Series
Ten books introducing alternative vowel spellings.
Jack and his little sister, Snub, are visiting Gran and Grandpa on a remote Scottish island where they live. An accident brings them closer together, but a subsequent calamity is the beginning of an exciting quest. Starting with the sound ‘ae’, each of the 10 books introduces a phoneme and its alternative spellings. This series shares the same phonic progression as the Rescue Series and Talisman 1 Series and can be used in parallel.
Island Adventure Series Workbook available separately.
Talisman 1 Series
Following on from the Totem Series and precedes Talisman 2 Series
Ideal for older, ‘catch-up’ readers.
Interest age 8-14 (reading age KS1/KS3)
Phase 5 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Talisman 1 Series of 10 books introduces more alternative spellings for the vowel sounds ‘ae’, ‘ee’, ‘er’, ‘ow/oi’ ‘oo’, ‘ie’, ‘or’, ‘air’ and ‘ar’. Each title has 16 pages in full colour, with exciting and motivating stories and illustrations.
Talisman 1 Series Workbook
A spiral-bound pack of photocopiable reading, spelling and comprehension activities for each of the stories (approx. 150 pages). |
Talisman 2 Series
Following on from the Talisman 1 Series
Ideal for older, ‘catch-up’ readers.
Interest age 8-14 (reading age KS1/KS3)
Phase 5 of ‘Letters and Sounds’
Talisman 2 Series of 10 books introduces more alternative spellings for the vowel sounds and suffixes: ‘u-e’, ‘u’, ‘o’, ‘s’ ‘l’, ‘j’, ‘f’, ‘ture’ ‘tion’, ‘shul’, ‘shus’ and ‘shun’. Each title has 16 pages in full colour, with exciting and motivating stories and illustrations.
Talisman 2 Series Workbook
A spiral-bound pack of photocopiable reading, spelling and comprehension activities for each of the stories (approx. 150 pages).
Titan’s Gauntlets Series
Set of ten books introducing further alternative vowel and consonant spellings, and common Latin Suffixes.
A gripping quest story. Finn has been chosen to stop the evil Winged One from destroying the world.
Introduces alternative vowel and consonant spellings and common Latin suffixes.
Readers can progress to Talisman 2 which follows the same phonic sequence but with additional alternative spellings and more text per page.
Titan’s Gauntlets Series Workbook available separately. |
Amber Guardians Series
A chance discovery of an ancient necklace in an old bazaar soon leads Finn and his friends on an incredible quest.
This set of ten books bridges the gap between structured and mainstream reading. With a higher ratio of text to illustration, this series allows the reader to make the important step towards understanding meaning purely from text.
Each of the 26-page stories is carefully written to motivate older readers and build reading stamina.
Amber Guardians Series Workbook available separately. |