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My Positive Change Card Games

Ages: 7 & up

My Positive Change Card Game for ADHD Children
My Positive Change Card Game for Anger Control in Children
My Positive Change Card Game for Oppositional Children

Card games also sold individually.


Each of these card games teach children to react in positive ways to negative situations. The 52 cards in each game offer a variety of positive behavioural choices. The games are played like “Go Fish”, asking children to match the one of three positive change cards: Situations, Thought/Behaviours/Feelings. The games also come with two extra write-on/wipe-off cards and a pen, to individualise the deck.

2-6 players


My Positive Change Card Game for ADHD Children

Item: 9781882732685

This game was designed to teach children more positive ways of acting and reacting to negative situations. The cards offer a variety of positive behavioural choices for situations that children with ADHD commonly encounter. Through repetitive game play, children will learn how these new thought patterns can lead to more positive behaviours and more positive feelings.


My Positive Change Card Game for Anger Control in Children

Item: 9781882732579

This game was designed to teach children more positive ways of acting and reacting to negative situations. The cards offer children several alternative thinking patterns they can use to help them deal with their anger. Through repetitive game play, children will learn how these new thought patterns can help them accept consequences, control anger, and experience more positive feelings.


My Positive Change Card Game for Oppositional Children

Item: 9781882732609

This game was designed to teach children more positive ways of acting and reacting to negative situations. The cards offer children a variety of alternative thinking styles they can use to help them understand and control their negative behaviours. Through repetitive game play, children will learn how these new thought patterns can lead to more positive behaviours and more positive feelings.


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