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Autism Resource Kit in a Bag for Classrooms

Item: 1460

A large set of practical tools to support those with autism in the classroom

The kit has been developed to those children and young people in Primary Schools on the autism spectrum or perhaps have traits but are yet to be diagnosed.

Over 90% of children are visual learners and up to 97% for those with social communication difficulties and yet we tend to use our voices far too much. This responds to children and young people who are visual learners. There are over 100 visual symbols either on communication fans displayed on safety lanyards or on clear and easy to understand communication tiles.

Especially useful for those on the autism spectrum, those with social communication difficulties and those with English as a second language. Help children understand what is happening next, routines, sequences, to make choices and communicate more effectively.


  • 1 x Fabric Drawstring Storage Bag
  • 24 x visual communication symbols printed onto foam board
  • 1 x pyramid display board
  • 4 x mini dry wipe tiles to make your own symbols or write words
  • 1 x fine line dry wipe pen
  • 4 x word tiles ‘then’, ‘now’, ‘and’, ‘or’
  • 4 x visual symbol fans on 2 x safety lanyards includes
  • 40 widgit symbols 1 x ‘I feel fan’ to support emotional understanding
  • 1 x ‘I have autism’ personal communication self-completion passport fan to help explain what upsets a child, or calms them down or special ways that they communicate
  • 1 x Hey children on the autism spectrum play too! – a very practical resource book written by Wendy Usher and helps the reader to understand ways of working with autism that are effective and make a real difference

“I have two children in my class on the autism spectrum. This kit has made a huge difference to their understanding of what is happening next, what they are meant to be doing and more importantly has helped me to adapt my communication. Life is now much easier.”
- Teacher, Milton Keynes

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