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Rekenrek - 100 Bead, Student

Item: 706406117600

Ages: Gr. K-2

Ideal for Teaching Number Sense

Rekenreks are ideal for counting, addition, subtraction, and early place value. Rekenrek helps children to see numbers as groups.

Features 100 beads in red and white.

The upper five bars have five red beads on the left and five white beads on the right. The lower five bars have five white beads on the left and five red beads on the right.

(8½" x 8"): For individual student use.

Also available:

Working with the 100-Bead Rekenrek:
Activities for Place Value and Operations

by Don S. Balka

Item: 9781583247310

Format: soft cover
Pages: 96

Sample pages

Correlation to Current U.S. Mathematical Standards

Extend Understanding of Counting, Place Value, Operations and Algebraic Thinking

These engaging activities use the 100-bead Rekenrek to extend students’ understanding of counting, place value, the four operations, and algebraic thinking. Students will make groups of tens and ones, add and subtract within 100, explore multiplication and more.

Each of the 24 lessons is correlated to current U.S. standards and includes instructions, assessment questions and blackline masters.

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