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Literacy Enhancement Strategies:

Enriching the oral and written communication of upper elementary, middle, and high school students with high functioning autism

by Thomas Daly

Item: 9781934226094

Format: softcover
Pages: 163

Includes CD with reproducible handouts for each skill set

Literacy Enhancement Strategies is designed to enrich the oral and written communication of upper elementary, middle, and high school students who are functioning near grade level. It can be useful for teachers, therapists, and parents who work with students in homeschool settings, general education classrooms, resource rooms, and support teacher-pullout sessions.

This book embodies the author’s thirty years of teaching experience with students and families. Its pages intend to embrace the minds and thinking styles of learners with high functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome while successfully weaving relevant literacy skills. The activities can help any student who may benefit from additional practice, consistent routines, and step-by-step progression of skill development.

Easy-to-follow sample lessons cover content areas, such as talking and listening, reading and comprehending, predicting and anticipating, self-monitoring and advocating for learning style, actively engaging and organising written language. The enhancement strategies are aligned closely to the existing general education curriculum and are linked to students’ individual educational goals and objectives. Information for parent collaboration is included in each chapter and reproducible handouts for each skill set are provided on the accompanying CD.
Sample pages:
“The title says it all in this must-have reference book for teachers of students with ASD! Thomas Daly offers great hands-on materials to help educators explain the nebulous world of oral and written communication to our students with social thinking challenges.”
- Veronica Zysk Managing Editor, Autism Asperger’s Digest and co-author, 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger’s

“Mr. Daly has written a book that will certainly aid teachers as they work with students with High Functioning Autism. He provides an insightful look at the educational and social situations that challenge our students with HFA. But he doesn’t stop there. He has developed helpful scripts, organisers, templates and activities targeting the areas of group communication, prior knowledge, comprehension and written language. His strategies incorporate best practices in education. The activities provide predictability by telling students what is expected in a particular educational situation. Also included is a list of related goals and objectives to help teachers in individual education planning. Materials in the book can be adapted for students from upper elementary school through high school.”
- Sallie Whelan, Autism Support Teacher, Wake County Public Schools

“Easy to follow teacher friendly directions, shows respect to HFA/AS students through structured and intelligent lessons. Love the sketches!”
- Sharon Griffith, NBCT, Language Arts Program Specialist for children ages 8-13

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