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Strategies at Hand:
Quick and Handy Positive Behavioral Support Strategies

by Robin D. Brewer & Tracy G. Mueller

Item: 9781934575642

Age Group : Ages 1 to 10

Format : flipbook
Pages : 102

Bulding upon the success of their bestselling Strategies at Hand - Quick Handy Strategies for Working with Students on the Autism Spectrum, Mueller and Brewer tackle the critical issue of behaviour in their latest practical resource for parents, teachers and other professionals. Using the same handy flipbook format that made their earlier resource such a welcome tool, Strategies at Hand - Quick Positive Behavior Support Strategies contains a wide range of behavioural supports divided into Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Interventions, in keeping with the Response to Intervention (RTI) continuum. In addition to practical suggestions for each level, Strategies at Hand provides a quick overview of how to conduct a functional behavioural assessment, collect data and much more, all in colour-coded sections that make it ideal for quickly solving problems on the spot.

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